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Introduction & Case description

Developing a Loyalty Program Customers Love

Customer loyalty programs are critical tools for businesses to retain existing customers and drive repeat business.  They offer a multitude of benefits, including increased customer retention by incentivizing repeat business. This loyal customer base translates to a higher customer lifetime value as they tend to spend more over time. Additionally, loyalty programs can foster brand loyalty and advocacy, turning satisfied customers into promoters through positive word-of-mouth. Furthermore, these programs provide valuable customer data on purchasing habits and preferences, allowing businesses to personalize their offerings and marketing efforts. 


Our client, a startup from SEA region was seeking to enhance customer retention and drive repeat purchases, recognized the importance of implementing an effective loyalty program. To develop a sustainable loyalty program tailored to their needs, the client aimed to learn from successful players across countries and industries. They sought insights into the principles and best practices for building a robust loyalty program that would resonate with their target audience.

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Our SOlution

Multi-Pronged Research Solution

To address the client’s objectives, our team devised a comprehensive research solution leveraging company analysis, consumer journey analysis, and social listening. This approach allowed us to gather insights from various sources, including competitor analysis, understanding customer behaviors throughout their journey, and monitoring online conversations to identify key trends and preferences related to loyalty programs.

  • Loyalty Program Analysis using Secondary Research: We conducted an in-depth analysis of various loyalty programs across different industries and regions known for their success & failures. By examining case studies, industry reports, and financial data, we identified common strategies, features, and best practices employed by these companies to drive customer loyalty.
  • Consumer Journey Analysis: Through a detailed examination of the customer journey, from initial awareness to post-purchase interactions, we gained insights into the touchpoints and decision-making processes that influence customer loyalty.
  • Social Listening: Utilizing social listening tools, we monitored online conversations, social media mentions, and customer feedback related to loyalty programs. This allowed us to gauge consumer sentiment, identify emerging trends, and understand preferences regarding loyalty program features and benefits.
The results

Building the Loyalty Program

The market research program revealed valuable insights to guide the development of the Client Company’s loyalty program:

  • Learning from Leaders: Analysis of successful programs highlighted key principles, such as tiered reward structures, personalized offers, and seamless redemption options. These insights informed the design of a program that caters to diverse customer needs and preferences.
  • Understanding Customer Sentiment: Social listening revealed that customers valued program transparency, ease of use, and rewards relevant to their purchase habits. The program design addressed these preferences, prioritizing clear communication about earning and redeeming rewards.

Overall, the market research program enabled the Client Company to:

  • Leverage successful best practices from established loyalty programs across industries.
  • Design a program that integrates seamlessly into the existing customer journey.
  • Address customer expectations and preferences based on real-time social media insights.